Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Quod Erat Demonstrandum (engl version)

The global community gets together. In the meantime down on the streets. Even in the most civilized areas normally saturated self-content is expected to discover. Besides the routiniers from the protesters‘ guild whose portraits are meanwhile 3D saved in the police data banks - yes, the state has switched the batons their uniformed executives were carrying at protests to modern digital cameras - also the modern upset citizen marches with, his indignation not expressing by empathic gestures but by simple being there at the protest event and therefore by the occupation of public space as such.

The sudden melange between the usual suspects rising up against the ruling system with the hierarchic compatible subject guided through consumerism (as some of the homemade brainbugs always thought and are still thinking) waters down the favored relation between ,those‘ and ,us‘. Madame Chancelor should better leave for a while her apartment between Sarkozy and Ackermann at the Motel EU and become busy herself with the occupy-thought.

For example: why has Greece, blamed officially as nasty dog, in all meanings of the verb now to pay for his creditors' forbearance of the responsibility to advise? Maybe Greece's Union partners - sorry, not longer, now only one-sided business partners - planned cold-blooded such a scenario to create a fiscal-political Gaza Strip around the Peloponnes? Isn't it comprehensible in that case to see during the evening news besides complete houses in Athens also a German flag burning?

À propos global policy: while the not-United Nations recovered the old diplomatical game 'too many cooks spoil the broth' rendering the Syrian people an enormous disservice a tactical maneuver from the German delegation would be on time. Preferred as compensation for Germany's 'Jein' at the last crucial voting for the intervention in Libya last year. Instead of that sanctions' skirmish. The cleaning women from the German embassy in Damascus are sent on unpaid holidays as 'a strong stance towards the Syrian regime' and a handful of Assad's criminal henchmen are getting expulsed: 'Look how determined we are.' But the Baath breed turns its heads with a wiping gesture towards the civilians ready to slaughter them continuingly whispering: 'The world let us do this.'

'Hm, such an outlook in the wide world uncovers so much hotspots, and I am only a single woman' thoughts are floating out of the chancellery. 'Independence fights, rebellions, uprisings, hunger crisis .. impossible to solve that at once, haha. No, I'm staying better at the Euro talks and the homemade problems.'

One of the last mentioned is her son-in-law rolemodel she parked at Schloss Bellevue quarreling a bit with the press and the public about his habits. Without that nasty affair the everlasting coffee-and-cake atmosphere would be ready to get eternalized in oil on canvas.

The tremor of the world has reached the Republic in form of a murmur. But will this ethereous appearing coalition in Berlin be able to seize the day and to react in a constructive manner towards the people's demands or is the noise the technocratic Houdinis are performing loud enough to keep the representatives hypnotized: 'First we have to turn around every single Eurocent before we can keep busy with stuff like human rights outside our Union.' If the last scenario becomes true we can be assured that everyone 'outside our Union' has to fight the real problems of the world without Germany's support ..

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