Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Guilt Of Inactivity

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"Yes, can I help you?"

"A madman's unleashed bunch is detaining and murdering my whole family. Those gangsters are using heavy arms targeting even our minors. Please help us to stop those criminals before it's too late."

"OK .. and who do you like especially to address with your request?"

"The highest of your representatives if possible. It's urgent."

"Let me see .. yes, we can arrange that."

"Glad to hear it, thanks. When do you think he will take a look at my case?"

"Sorry, but I forgot to mention that he is not able to see."

"Oh .. that's a pity .. but he will listen to what I have to tell him?"

"Unfortunately not because he's not able to hear."

"Well .. might he tell others how to help me and my family then?"

"For sure it will be his honest intention but he can't speak."

"So I got you right: your highest representative is the one who can help me but he's blind, deaf and dumb .. I can live with that as long as he does something for us."

"You mean acting? Far from. He's also paralyzed."

"Beg your pardon but after all you told me now I'm wondering what he can do for us?"

"As I said: absolutely everything except seeing, listening, speaking and acting. Trust me, that's a lot. Oh, he's ready to welcome you, the last door at the end of the corridor .."

( ... )

Never in the history the United Nations were target of justified critics as nowadays. Justified because of the missing energic initiative more than necessary in the meantime for a disgracefully threatened Syrian civil society. The Arab Spring current is heading towards the 15th month; two countries can proudly state that they'd get rid of their self-claimed monarchs, another two are paying the price for truly foul compromises behind the curtains of power, and the Syrians still are kind of left alone with their struggle against the cruel clan of mass murders. Not exaggerating: against the deadly dynasty even Ed Gein and Charles Manson appear like angels of humanness.

Thanks to the internet and the fast spread image the world community can see what is going on in cities like Homs, Idlib, Hama, Daraa and meanwhile also Aleppo. Thanks to a technology tool which can save lives if used correctly. But instead of reacting on the uploaded testimonials of crimes against the humanity those being responsible for taking action are only registrating the orgy of violence once in a while commenting the tragedy with some wise tingling words.

Flanked by a lobby of scaremongers and interest keepers the organisation normally known to act for the granted basic rights worldwide is leaving the impression of a sedate club having all the time to reflect and to think about possible steps. Time the Syrian civilians don't have in their survival fight against a ruthless regime.

Heading back in the younger history the organized global community's not a candidate for fast efficiency: it took six years after Hitler's coup until the big powers declared war on the 3rd Reich and another six years to end the national socialist nightmare. In Cambodia Pol Pot and his bewildered fanatics could slaughter unhurriedly a huge part of the own population. The Latin American military juntas never had to fear a serious intervention. Ruanda 'simply happened'.

And what about the international interventions which took place until now? All but glorious chapters regarded objectively. Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Somalia - Peter principle met Murphy's law. Only Libya turned out to be a success allowing the NATO to support the freedom fighters with air raids against Gaddafi's army. But in the whole context it becomes an exception that proves the rule.

That is no excuse to do nothing in the case of Syria. Torn between concerns and proxy wars the United Nations haven't realized becoming in the meantime a complicit of the crimes against humanity Assad's mercenaries are committing. Every day dozens, sometimes hundreds civilians get murdered while repeatedly peace talks are hold and peace plans are presented, often simply repeating the same rejected demands as some weeks ago appearing as the top of naivity.

Summoning the master mistakes of the global community the main one still is that the world leaders still believe Assad is ready for a dialogue. Fact is he isn't and even the simple minds among us are realizing that. Another big mistake is the public appearance of the global representatives: enclosed in an opaque aura they're letting more questions open than answered. Can't they do anything? Won't they do anything? Might fatally both be true? With every day still staying inactive the organisation will lose more and more credibility. Even if it might sound sound now sarcastically, with a successful turn towards the Syrian people and against Assad by stopping his murder machine Russia's Putin who is still regarded as stepfather of the ongoing massacres can theoretically triumph as savior of many lives - maybe not among the Syrians themselves but in the eyes of the world community. And Ban's toothless tiger club will appear more useless than ever.

How long will it take until the world's rediscovering the meaning of 'united'? After Assad's order to use chemical and bacterial bombs? After the use of mass destruction arms? Sorry, but then it's ultimately too late. And not only Russia, China or Iran, all nations of the world will have to live with the guilt of inactivity for a very long time ..

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