On Nov 5th, 2011, Dr. Burhan Ghalioun, the President of the Syrian National Congress (SNC) addressed a moving speech to the Syrian people.
After drawning the attention at the beginning to the country‘s current situation and pointing under big condolence to the personal losses of his compatriots, he clarified in all clearness that the future of Syria must be built up on the basement of a modern and open democracy which prevents any form of injustice, discrimination, religious intolerance and ethnic tensions.
Besides, Dr. Ghalioun stressed explicitly the ethnic group of the Kurds who can take up their civil rights under the regime of the Assad dynasty till this day not completely.
Furthermore he made clear that the future rule of law has to be based on the pillars of the separation of powers. The necessary reforms of these three pillars - legislative, judicative and executive - are just established in the constitution like the unalterable right of the single citizen to take part actively in the political decision-making process.
In the marrow of his speech Dr. Ghalioun called to the Syrian people to support the SNC in his political fight against the Assad regime. Besides, he promised not too much, but made clear that the SNC is still in the construction phase facing the big challenges of the common time, but by no means making any kind of concession to the regime regarding the detainees and the martyrs during the ongoing struggle for freedom.
Afterwards he honored the soldiers who refuse to fulfill the orders of the army leadership and follow their real order to protect the people and not to defend the regime Also he thanked to the nations and communities which support the freedom movement of his compatriots in any form and appealed in the end of his address once again for the unity of all Syrians for the right cause.
A speech which brings back n many citizens recollections of their own time constructing and building up todays‘ democracies whether now from the remains of an exhausted dictatorship, how it was in the case of former West Germany or from the predominantly nonviolent change after the breakdown of the Eastern bloc three decades ago.
Assad imagines himself still under the protecting hand of Russia, a long-standing ally who pursues beside his political above all economic interests. But the present approach, despite of an announced agreement ending of the violence against civilians and protesters to continue the bloody crackdown in most towns of Syria, could lead in Moscow possibly to considerations concerning an alternative to the dreary despot.
The present situation is tightened above all by the fact that due to crumbling loyalty in the own rows and a rising number of defections more and more Lebanese militia and Iranian mercenaries seem to do her bloody day work in the besieged towns. A clear evidence that Assad follows the tactic to overthrow Syria in a civil war supported by reports of supposed infringements of different religious groups among each other.
Hence, Dr. Ghaliouns call to the unity of all Syrians has to be regarded as an urgent appeal not to succumb to the provocations of the regime and to resist united every form of the regime‘s attempts to split the land.
The speech is directed above all to those up to now undecided having not put yet clearly on the side of the Syrian freedom movement, caused by uncertainty or fear of long-termed chaotic conditions, as well as to those regime-loyals whose commitment to Assad is based on economic comfort.
Only as a unity the Syrian people will be able to resist actually the regime terror and to overthrow Assad‘s rulership. Therefore Dr. Ghaliouns address is a big step in this important direction.
After drawning the attention at the beginning to the country‘s current situation and pointing under big condolence to the personal losses of his compatriots, he clarified in all clearness that the future of Syria must be built up on the basement of a modern and open democracy which prevents any form of injustice, discrimination, religious intolerance and ethnic tensions.
Besides, Dr. Ghalioun stressed explicitly the ethnic group of the Kurds who can take up their civil rights under the regime of the Assad dynasty till this day not completely.
Furthermore he made clear that the future rule of law has to be based on the pillars of the separation of powers. The necessary reforms of these three pillars - legislative, judicative and executive - are just established in the constitution like the unalterable right of the single citizen to take part actively in the political decision-making process.
In the marrow of his speech Dr. Ghalioun called to the Syrian people to support the SNC in his political fight against the Assad regime. Besides, he promised not too much, but made clear that the SNC is still in the construction phase facing the big challenges of the common time, but by no means making any kind of concession to the regime regarding the detainees and the martyrs during the ongoing struggle for freedom.
Afterwards he honored the soldiers who refuse to fulfill the orders of the army leadership and follow their real order to protect the people and not to defend the regime Also he thanked to the nations and communities which support the freedom movement of his compatriots in any form and appealed in the end of his address once again for the unity of all Syrians for the right cause.
A speech which brings back n many citizens recollections of their own time constructing and building up todays‘ democracies whether now from the remains of an exhausted dictatorship, how it was in the case of former West Germany or from the predominantly nonviolent change after the breakdown of the Eastern bloc three decades ago.
Assad imagines himself still under the protecting hand of Russia, a long-standing ally who pursues beside his political above all economic interests. But the present approach, despite of an announced agreement ending of the violence against civilians and protesters to continue the bloody crackdown in most towns of Syria, could lead in Moscow possibly to considerations concerning an alternative to the dreary despot.
The present situation is tightened above all by the fact that due to crumbling loyalty in the own rows and a rising number of defections more and more Lebanese militia and Iranian mercenaries seem to do her bloody day work in the besieged towns. A clear evidence that Assad follows the tactic to overthrow Syria in a civil war supported by reports of supposed infringements of different religious groups among each other.
Hence, Dr. Ghaliouns call to the unity of all Syrians has to be regarded as an urgent appeal not to succumb to the provocations of the regime and to resist united every form of the regime‘s attempts to split the land.
The speech is directed above all to those up to now undecided having not put yet clearly on the side of the Syrian freedom movement, caused by uncertainty or fear of long-termed chaotic conditions, as well as to those regime-loyals whose commitment to Assad is based on economic comfort.
Only as a unity the Syrian people will be able to resist actually the regime terror and to overthrow Assad‘s rulership. Therefore Dr. Ghaliouns address is a big step in this important direction.
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