"Hey! Here we are! Yes, exactly, the wonderful bright shining windows with our beautiful outlets! Look at us! As long as you like! That's wherefore we're made at this time. Only for you. Forget all your troubles, leave your worries behind, don't listen to all the disturbing news from everywhere around the planet, you can't help them all! Help us instead, spend your full awareness to our offers, think better about those you want to make happy buying them a present, this here is only a small assortment, come in and look around, we have nearly anything for everybody! .. What? .. You have no kids or nephews, not even a fiancee you may surprise with a shopped gift? Doesn't matter, reward yourself with something you always liked to have. No, get serious, everybody's missing something he never called his own before. Simply look deep inside of you: I bet there's some fancy stuff you've seen before in your imagination or some of our professional advertisements that'll make you happier than you are now. .. You say you're happy with all the things you have? .. Sorry, I don't believe you, you don't look to me like sort of an eremite or a monk! .. You what? You like to create something for yourself? You don't like the industrially produced stuff we're offering at you? Ok, ok - but even for creating you'll need some basic tools we're having already for you: pens, collar, scissors, multicolored paper, glittering self-adhesive stuff, whatever such home-made dudes as you need, come in, watch, find and buy it! .. No? Why not? .. Hey, I asked you something! .. Oh, you like to create something without buying anything for that .. one question: in what century you're living in? .. No, I don't wanna twit you, I believe in fact you wanna twit me! Look around: does it look like the third world to you? What the hell you think you're doing here? You were born and raised in a society of progress, man! And how do you believe is this progress guaranteed? Picking up flowers and smiling the whole day long? Forget it! Our progress engine runs only with the best fuel and that's consumption. Yes, you are the fuel provider, together with all the millions out there granting our economy every year new peaks and our top managers new provisions, this spiral will continue forever and ever .. don't interrupt me praising the consumers' philosophy with such needless terms like 'inequity' or 'injustice'! All you're here for is to spend the money you earn to companies like us so that we are able to present you next year same time new stuff you have to buy so that we etcetera etcetera. A circuit, you understand? Haven't they taught you that at school? Or have you only paid attention in such boring classes like literature or philosophy? The only philosophy which is for real is the philosophy of the market, got that? Hah? So, let's stop now this enerving discourse and go and buy something - hey, stop, the entrance is at the other side, where you wanna go? .. To the crowd there who occupies since weeks the place demanding a better and more fair world?!? No, hold on, don't do that, haven't I told you who we want you to be, to .. hey .. no!!! .. Darn, another one's lost! If this tendency's continuing I'm the one who's next year jobless! Maybe I should think about an alternative .. working as a protest banner?"
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