Monday, July 16, 2012

Glancing At The Gordian Knot: Democratic Decisions And Their Fatal Consequences

Democracy obliges to act under the premise of granting the opponent the same rights to express in words his thought lines and arguments as given to oneself. But the actual world order isn't a democracy. Democratic governments are merely a part of a wild mixture of more or less repressional rulerships. To keep the democratic glasses during a conversation with the extreme wing of the oppressors' side is, sorry, I have to say that, counterproductive and in the meantime dangerous (most of all for those suffering under extreme regime violence). Conclusing the dialogue partner is on the same level of social behavior - not randomly arresting, not torturing, not murdering etc - not only revalues high-grade cold blooded criminals like Bashar al-Assad, it indirectly legitimizes the unimaginable regime crimes against humanity.

You can't resocialize someone or declare as who never was socialized.

So, please, dear representatives of our global democracies, don't treat guys like the Syrian tyrant as caring philanthropists.

No empathy for mass murderers.

Yes, in contrary to the extrovert diva among the dictators, Muammar al-Ghaddafi, Assad appears optically compatible to the world's leaders club. But that didn't and doesn't hinder him to suppress his own people in such a pain- and disgraceful way. I could not imagine sitting with someone at the dinner table. I would not be able to eat anything. I'm still asking myself how some others grown up under the gift of freedom and justice could do that. This is also a message to the free democratic press: don't try to sell us Assad and all those inhumanitarians as like-you-and-me dudes please. The conclusion that it even might be like that lets me draw for myself fatal consequences.

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