Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Opinion: Basic Requirements of Unarmed Resistance

To stand against a governmental or a totalitarian regime it efforts more than individual indignation. Contrary to the European rallies conditioned by economical/political reasons the protesters in the Middle East are demanding basic human rights endangered to be killed. Their need for change is a more essential one than in relation to the question if you have tomorrow a bit more money in your pocket or not. That doesn‘t mean the citizens‘ protests in Europe aren‘t as necessary, they are justified as well. The continuative thought leads to the advisement what both resistance movements have in common, what they basically are sharing.  A few essential topics:
One of the reasons someone like Silvio Berlusconi is still ruling Italy while ruining the nation‘s prestige causes in the circumstance that the opposition is obviously in the majority but unable to act united. After the massive class-comprehensive demonstration of unity all over Egypt the end of the Mubarak regime was sealed. Without unity resistance is vulnerable. Every regime profits from a split in between the opponents and tries therefore a permanent agitation or infiltration.
Clear words connect the diversified field of the members of resistance. Best nowadays example is the nation-wide slogan ,People demand the removal of the regime.‘ Broad requirement, short and consicely verbalized. Further basic demands are in Europe more transparency and less cuts in the social system and in the Middle East an immediate ceasefire, the pull-back of the army and no armed guards on the street. The rulers‘ class has to realize that negotiations on the basic demands are absolutely out of question.
The wolve is coming when the shepherd sleeps. Resistance requires more watchfulness. It is more or less a psychological state of war counting on possible offenders‘ attacks. A regime uses different tactics, from the needle-stitch policy to a massive crackdown. And if they aren‘t doing anything for a longer time, the chances on a violent eruption rise. Regimes are erratic, arrangements can be broken, the results denied.
As a natural enemy of fear verve is keeping the movement up. Facing a soldier or a guard seldom the same kind of verve is to be seen as in the eyes and faces of the strong-willed members of resistance. Why? Simple: those who protect the regime are either afraid, fanatic or stone-cold determined. Verve is also the source of many actions like chants, dances, happenings. Even if some pictures of dancing regime guards exist, they cannot hide their fear or their cynicism.
Maybe the regimes are vaunting that the time is with them. False conclusion. With ongoing resistance their justification as leaders vanishes more and more. Former allies and defectors joining the resistance weaken the system. The regime becomes isolated and clearer to be seen. But the resilience requires deprivations, mental as physical. The regime calculates that. And this is in the Middle East much harder to bear as in Europe, let us not forget that.
Regimes are generally not famous being creative. Actors, artists, writers are capable of combining impression with expression. Regimes can only create oppression. It is by no means naive holding up artworks against arms, it is long-term more efficient. Creativity is the impulse of the resistance activity. Together with verve extraordinary feats come into being: performance, street arts, music, literature. The only answer of the regime: ignorance, tear gas, bullets. Not really artists‘ implements.
The crucial advantage. Regime leaders and their loyals are afraid of it. They are still captured in the delusion to declare humanness as an attitude of the weak. In fact they are the real weak ones. It takes only a look in their armory. Lawyers here, automatic rifles there. And it is easier to take up a gun than to lay it down.
Both regime types mentioned in the beginning lack in taking responsibility - the only move into a direction where the next steps can be negotiated. Taking responsibility for all illegal and lethal decisions made. And finally realizing that nowadays it isn't as simple as thirty, forty years ago to murder and dispose of dissidents. During the first Acampa demonstrations in Spain a picture was tweeted showing a protester with a banner. On it stands René Descartes‘ motto ,I think therefore I am‘ duly endorsed: ,dangerous.‘ Before the digital age slogans were heard on the streets, than presented on the media. ,Get organized!‘. Today the world wide web functions as a transmitter. ,Act. Connect. Share.‘

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