What is hardener to bear? Seeing graphic content in form of videos, hearing it or reading about it? That depends how detailed the reports about crime itself are written or reported. I've made the experience that it was even for me more difficult to listen to my own describing words than to watch a scene on the monitor. Even if I'm reading an extensive article I can switch my eyes in less than a second in another direction. But to have to listen to words you don't wanna hear is a bit more difficult to handle. Instead of turning around you have to close your ears what isn't as easy to handle as to close your eyes. Furthermore you can't tell the announcer that he has to speak in another direction. There's only one solution: he has to remain silent.
Apart from schools and universities lectures are traditionally given in court. The more precise the bill of indictment the harder it becomes for the plea's refutations. But it takes time to collect the pieces of evidence and to translate the seen into the written. Time which can be saved if the people especially in Syria and elsewhere start to record the seen, live or on video, as a detailed description. When on one certain day it comes to a trial against the party responsible all those written down testimonials will support the counsels of the prosecution.
The detailed description is also one of the effective tools against the three witches called apathy, lethargy and ignorance. What we have seen and declared as urgent and relevant should be written down and that - which may sound hard - with as less sentiment as possible. Sorry, better with no sentiment at all. We're still in court. To clarify the effectiveness of the detailed description let me give you an example describing one of the most shocking and disturbing videos of the last weeks:
A group of ten armed, not uniformed men waited on the street corner. Seven soldiers came with one arrested victim. Together they beat and kicked him lying on the ground. More uniformed guards arrived and used their approximated 50 centimeter long truncheons. Another victim was brought and the guards mistreated him in the same way than the first one. After half a minute continued beating and kicking the first victim was to be seen standing, the upper part of his shirt covered full of his blood. He slumped immediately down. Again he was beaten up with the truncheons. A third victim also beaten and kicked was brought together with the first victim to a limousine standing some meters behind the crime scene. The guards opened the rear trunk and stuffed the third victim in. The first victim was pushed aside in the direction of the second victim who was stuffed in the backseat. The first victim dragged himself away and warped on the third victim with intend to protect him. The guards beat him again until he slumped unconscious down. For one moment a blood-trenched truncheon was to be seen held up in the air. The rear trunk was two times heavily slammed before it shut. Some of the soldiers stood around the glazing first victim. The limousine started and the two other victims were brought away. The whole incident was recorded from an upper floor and took about 90 seconds.
It was no piece of cake to write down what I saw in the last half an hour again and again. And I guess it may be more exhausting to some others. But it's important. It's necessary. And it's a powerful document in our hands: reading it loud in front of silencers or the protectors of the system makes you not only raise your voice but fills your words with the content of facts, testimonials, eye-witnesses. They don't want to see it? Then they gonna hear it. As an example therefore I like to quote excerpts from a passionate address a Chilean woman hold directed to policemen:
'Why are you always with the governments? Is that you were born powerful? If you are here it's because you were born as poor as we were. And you are there to earn a meal. Meal that we all pay for! Why don't you think a little? People are angry. They are outraged! And you are sent here to crack down and to provoke so the stones come out. And it shows to the world. And you feel happy in the defense of this traitor governments! They have betrayed us. They promise us and then they deceive us and laugh. (..) Why don't you react? Why don't you think a little? You are being used in the same way they are using us. (..) The powerful are doing whatever they want. They take from us, they abuse us and they steal from us. We have to go out. And we want to go out by peaceful means but you, you are sent here to provoke us. (..) Political parties don't matter here. Colors and flags don't matter. What matters is that we are not conforming. (..) And you, you too, most of you were born as poor as I were and now, thanks to those uniforms that are paid by all of us because those uniforms and that, and this, all this gentlemen comes out of our taxes.'
All the images, recordings and pictures will be intensified by our own words and descriptions. Writing it down is the anew becoming aware of the experienced. A second manifestation of the witnessed event. Another way of fighting against the grievances.
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